re: Allways Julez

Awww Bev, your so sweet.
Look… I am pretty much an open book… a lot of stuff is self-taught due to my commercial decorating background. I was regularly “thrown in the deep end” with an order… with no time for research or lessons.
“Back in the day”, there was no internet, so you just had to figure stuff out yourself.
I did a tech college course back in 1980 (yeah…. I know, that makes me “mature age”, hell… OLD!!! LOL).
No cutters, texture mats, airbrush… or any other really cool stuff, available now!
I don’t come from an affluent background, and I have health and other issues that seriously restrict my budget… so I am a self-confessed “Queen of Cheap”!
Anything you want help on, JUST ASK… I’ll help if I can. Just be warned… it might not be the technically correct way of experts. I can only share, what I know.
Julez XXX
