re: What's in a name?

Tough I like you sharing your feelings and can agree in some points. I think most of the sad feelings about the article are because of misunderstanding and the Facebook issue.

I must say that, even if Sharon wanted to polemize, She has thrown her opinion and she has her right to do that. I can’t think of her trying to set some kind of new law or labeling. So, even the article maybe wrong at some points we can’t do a crucifixion now and here. Please calm down and don’t be sad cause Shag is not a high priest and probably she’s having a deep thinking about all now.

You make pretty cakes, as your business name says, and some of us love them. Sometimes there’s a lot of polemic because of gossiping and guessing about caking and faking, but that’s not new, a lot of people asks me at cake fairs or even in posts or messages and I answer the clearer I can, but anyway they are allowed to think what they want. Even if they don’t like of some of us using styro sometimes I can’t find the problem and will use when I find it reasonable. Up to anyone to work one way or another. And up to anyone to to believe if something can be done with real cake or not. I’m still enjoying the sight of cake artistry all around in the cake community, sharing and living it.

A lot love your work so… please share the love.

Daniel Diéguez Cake Artist