re: What's in a name?

Really sad to see the consecuences of insisting on make a division in a community. It is really irresposable not knowing exactly what was written for the gazette, because Cake Decor IS absolutely behind it!!! Sad to know that this is mostly a personal opinion, which was written with “what intentions???” I have seen Karen Portaleo use styro to replace the dress of one of her sculptures, is she fake? Not in million years!!! Do you think is easier to cover a 5 inches tall square styro It is not. The artist’s pictures that were used ( which watermarks were removed) has always ALWAYS stated they use fake cakes, they are called “scenografic cakes”, because thats normal in Brazil culture, and of course you have no idea they use cold porcelain to cover them and then those cakes are sold to party decorators. Obviously there was no previous research about the work of that artist. Sooo many issues with that editorial. Instead of using this editorial to divide our community into 2 sides like we always do: black/ white, gay/straight, male/female, christian/ jew and so on, the editorial should be to embrace us all into a growing community , without labeling, without calling name, without personal issues, without belittling others, without stirring the beans and bringing this terrible division. We are responsibles of what we write, what we post and for our opinions. I m really really upset with this unnecessary situation. Listen to all the voices, listen to all the opinions and include other people in the editorial. Look for new voices and different point of views. Bring editorials that are positive, inclusive and that embrace us all into this sugar passion, we want less personal opinions and personal issues into those editorials.