re: Advice needed from fellow CD members

I’m with the other ladies!
We set our Ts & Cs for good reason, and it’s to weed out exactly this type of client. Look at the stress you’ve been put through already, I think you’ve been overly generous to keep her on your hands this long. I can’t help but think you’ll be going through this drama when it comes to final payment too, and your dilemma then will be so much worse, ie to bake or not to bake a clients wedding cake!! She knows the terms and you’ve issued reminders, it may sound harsh but my advice is to fill the spot with somebody else and save yourself all this stress and time (which is also money!!). I do like the suggestion to writing to her in the manner Sawsen suggests – can’t argue with that! Good luck whatever you decide to do xx

Blossom Dream Cakes at