Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cake

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cake


All the turtles were made with gum paste and the cake was decorated with sugarpaste :) The cake was painted with airbrush.

It is a chocolate sponge cake filled with “ovos moles” (which is a delicacy from Aveiro. This sweet is made by the addition of raw egg yolk into the sugar syrup.)

As tartarugas foram todas feitas com gum paste (pasta de flores) e o bolo foi decorado com pasta de açúcar. O bolo também foi pintado com o aerógrafo.

Trata-se de um pão-de-ló de chocolate recheado com ovos moles. Doce regional da cidade de Aveiro.

Sara Batista, Portugal, http://sarafbatista.wix.com/saritaydulces.