Wilton Course 4 Final Cake-Buttercreme Icing Wedding Cake

Wilton Course 4 Final Cake-Buttercreme Icing Wedding Cake

I was very happy how this turned out even though my buttercreme icing was not totally smooth on the top layer. The entire cake was icing with buttercreme and the flowers were also made of buttercreme. I choose peach and teal for the flowers because I finished the course in May and it was Spring!!! Overall, this was a fun
cake to do and I can’t wait to make another one soon!!



Looks like it’s a beautiful cake, but the quality of the photo is very low :(

-- Michal, http://cakesdecor.com | My Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/michal.bulla

I know…I took it with my phone and not thinking…I didn’t have my camera with me that day!!!
