Playschool cupcakes (my 5 minutes, lol)

Playschool cupcakes (my 5 minutes, lol)

When the local kindy asked if I’d supply morning tea for the touring Playschool team when they came to perform a few shows in our town, I jumped at it! They just wanted to serve up something a little bit special, but I – er – kind of went overboard! (Who could blame me? I’ve got my own set of Playschool childhood memories!) When I delivered them to the venue that morning, the tour coordinator declared that nobody – NOBODY! – was to touch them, lol, and I heard later that they actually put them on display and the performers (Abi and Alex, if you’re into it) took photos of them on their phones before they finally ate them after lunch. My five minutes of fame, Playschool style ;-)

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