Eagle cake

Eagle cake

I was asked to make this cake for a soon to be 18 year old young man. Such a lovely back story. His mum always made her children’s birthday cakes when they were little. Aged 5, Oli was going through his shark phase, so mum lovingly created a Great White, complete wiith fake blood and gore. On being presented with his cake at his birthday party, and with all his little friends looking on, Oli promptly burst into tears and cried “but I wanted an EAGLE”. So……finally at 18 he gets to have an eagle.

Each of the eagle’s feathers are handmade and applied individually. I used lustres in bronze, gold and terracotta colours to highlight the colouration on the spines of the white feathers in particular. Oli will be presented with his special cake today. I do hope he likes it!

Truly, I have enjoyed making this cake more than any other. Thanks for looking. :).

The Inspired Catering and Cake Company