My daughter said it had to be pink and yellow, go around, with mice and a motorcycle, and flowers. Not sure where she gets her ideas. So, a race is what the mice are on and the bike is the prize. One mouse wasn’t so clever and went the wrong way on her skate board. Another got to the race to early and decided on a nap. Which she then over slept and missed the race. The hiker simply was there to enjoy the time getting there and the flower head mouse thought that she was safe by getting there first and decided to take in the view, oops.
This was my first attempt at carving, only my second attempt at stacking and learned I should do my decorating at a normal hour. 1 am not such a good idea for decorating. The flowers however did end up matching the style on the plates. My girl was thrilled, so guess that’s what matters most :).
3 layer, choc, vanilla, strawberry with mild orange flavor butter cream.