Wafer Paper ART Sculpted Seahorse - eBook tutorial

Wafer Paper ART Sculpted Seahorse - eBook  tutorial
Wafer Paper ART Sculpted Seahorse - eBook  tutorial Wafer Paper ART Sculpted Seahorse - eBook  tutorial Wafer Paper ART Sculpted Seahorse - eBook  tutorial
Wafer paper art - wafer paper sculpted seahorse - no wires - 100% Wafer paper.  Let's learn how to sculpt with wafer paper.  Dive deep into the realm of advanced cake decorating with our Wafer Paper Seahorse class!
This downloadable tutorial is a masterclass in innovative techniques, perfect for those eager to elevate their cake skills.
Uncover the secrets of sculpting flawless wafer paper creations using ChokoLate’s signature methods—no wires, no dummies, no gumpaste, and no modeling chocolate required.
 Craft a realistic seahorse that boasts a flawless, wrinkle-free, and smooth finish, taking your ocean-themed cakes to unprecedented heights.
Goes beyond the ordinary, showcasing techniques that are both unique and game-changing.
AVAILABLE in: English or French

Chokolate Designs


Amazing!  It blows me away that this is wafer paper.  
Thank you Jeanne!

Chokolate Designs