The Sugar Glider in Action

The Sugar Glider in Action
The Sugar Glider in Action The Sugar Glider in Action The Sugar Glider in Action 
My piece for the International Collaboration  Fascination Down Under, I was inspired by these amazing little marsupials that are able to glide up to 45 meters.
Sugar gliders are native to Australia (the Eastern part), Papua New Guinea, Tasmania, multiple surrounding islands, and parts of Indonesia. They are found in the rainforests gliding from tree to tree and make their homes in tree hollows.
In the wild, they eat the sap and gum of the eucalyptus and acacia tree, plus pollen, nectar, manna (a sugar deposit from the sap oozing from wounds on tree branches or trunks), honeydew (sugar secreted by sap-sucking insects), and a wide variety of insects and spiders.
They are just amazing and cute creatures.

Chris Durón from


Great job! So realistic!

Cakes by Devon

Thanks! 💜

Chris Durón from