A sweet slice of history! Happy 120th Anniversary - The Border Mail - newspaper cake

A sweet slice of history! Happy 120th Anniversary - The Border Mail  - newspaper cake
A sweet slice of history! Happy 120th Anniversary - The Border Mail  - newspaper cake
I was so humbled and honored to be part of making this very special birthday cake for Bordermail to celebrate the 120th anniversary. And I took this challenge with pride.
Every cake has its very own story. So did this one! This was one of the cakes I put so much love into as Bordermail means so much to our lives. BMM was the first door I knocked when I was looking for jobs 11 years ago and I dreamed of working there since the day I stepped in the building. Finally I was appointed as a graphic designer and settled in within this beautiful Albury Wodonga community. That was our start in Australia back in 2012. As a result of flexible work arrangements, I got the opportunity to start up my own cake decorating business and make my passion into a reality. And I'm honestly forever grateful to be part of this amazing BMM family with such fond memories that we will never forget!
Remembering the founders of this amazing newspaper, every past and present employee including the people who worked hard for the past 120 years to bring the BMM where it is now. Cheers to 120 years of excellence, and to the many more stories and celebrations to come!
Ps - Thank you to the colleagues who helped me with the cake delivery.
and Sarah's Cakes  for the edible image
Pls read the newspaper article via below link -
