Bible Cakes

Bible Cakes
Bible Cakes Bible Cakes Bible Cakes Bible Cakes

This is my cake for the Bible Cakes Collaboration.

Ask God
(Luk 11.9-13)

7 -“Wish, it will be given to you; search, you will find; knock on the door and it will open to you. 8 – For every one who wishes takes, finds, and opens to the knocker. 9 – Which of you will give stone to your son, who asks for bread? 10 – Or if he asks for fish, he will give you a snake? 11 – If you are evil and know how to give good gifts to your children, isn’t it much more certain that your Father in heaven will give good gifts to those who ask him? 12 – Treat people as you would like them to treat you. Because this is what the sacred law and prophets say. "

All cakes were made by Clover


Beautiful, elaborate and oh, so detailed!!

The Garden Baker

Thank you so much @TheGardenBaker

All cakes were made by Clover

So very full of life… and I love the “light” at the end of the tunnel! Beautiful!

I absolutely adore this cake! All those details are stunning!