Blue and White String Art | Sweet Prodigy

Blue and White String Art | Sweet Prodigy

I don’t normally participate in collabs, but I could not pass up this #stringartsweetscollab. I have seen a lot of three-dimensional geometric string art designs, and have always wanted to recreate one but could never figure out the layering. I discovered how to do it by accident while working on another design.

For this design I created five individual royal icing transfers and then very carefully stacked them one on top of the other. I then added piped dots painted with a silver dust to represent nail heads.

Here is the pattern that I used to create this design. It is the top illustration that has only the dots printed on the page.…-string-art.html?m=1

Sweet Prodigy


Oh that is gorgeous… wait I’m getting dizzzzzz….

Thank you so much. Glad you like it!

Sweet Prodigy

This is insane!!!!! How did you keep your eyes from crossing?!?!? Incredible!!!

MerMade, everything was done in layers, so it was quite easy.

Sweet Prodigy