Atlas faberge 2018 bakerswood challenge

Atlas faberge 2018 bakerswood challenge
Atlas faberge 2018 bakerswood challenge Atlas faberge 2018 bakerswood challenge Atlas faberge 2018 bakerswood challenge

I’m yassmine nasef from Egypt and this is my atlas faberge 2018 2nd edition challenge run by bakerswood team

it was about designing a unique faberge egg had never designed or copied before.
I enjoyed creating my piece and getting inspired from atlas and Zeus and Greek stories
I imagined atlas holding my faberge egg
hope you like my designed all from modeling chocolate


Beautiful piece!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley

Clever design

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits

thank you Sandra so much😍😍😍

thank you so much calli😍😍😍😍😍

thank you so much calli😍😍😍😍😍