Business Name: Love at First Bite
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This cake was made for the cake buddies pottery collaboration using the pottery techniques and tools under the guidance of Priyanka Arora
This cake was inspired by the unfortunate incidents happening all over the world and what is required to be done in retrospect by us. In the rat race, we are forgetting our human aspect.
This cake represents each one of us in today’s world. The colours on the head represent us as a beautiful vibrant creation. The different figurines in the head represent different school of thoughts.. what goes inside our head . Their eyes are covered as we close our eyes to facts around us. The arm represents the Armour – we are always on guard whereas our positive negative ( black /white) thoughts should be free flowing like the flowers and set us free. The eyes are pleading and the smile a smirk! Let’s make the world a more peaceful place to live.
Techniques Used : Most of the cake is crafted by the pottery tools as humans are a part of the earth. Carving, shaping, indenting, tooling are the techniques used. Petal dust is used to highlight the shadow areas and give character to the face. The top half of the head is hung on the principal of a chandelier cake…. Anti gravity.
Great theme. Loved it
Loved it
A lovely creation
Loved it
Polka Dots Cakes
Sinful desserts by Archana