(Below English) Os presento mi pieza para esta colaboración esta basada en GHILLIE-DHU es un espíritu guardián de los árboles, perteneciente a la mitología escocesa. Viste con mantos de hojas y musgos, suele ser atraido por los abedules. Cuentan que es muy amable con los niños los adora, a pesar de ser miy tímido. Su hábitat son los bosques de escocia y alrededores del Lago Gairloch.
Mi pieza esta hecha de tarta real, forrada de chocolate plastico y fondant Satin ice. Los arboles estan hechos de rkt. Y las flores con pasta de goma.
Y algo sobre mi, me llamo pablo, tengo 16 años y soy de españa. Mientras estudio bachillerato, practico este hobbie, la reposteria creativa. Tengo un blog (http://myfunnycookie.blogspot.com.es/?m=0). y una pagina de facebook (https://www.facebook.com/MyFunnyCookie) donde podeis ver todo lo que hago.
He participado en varias colaboraciones como sweet summer collaboration o Animal Right.
Muchas gracias y espero que os guste mi pieza.
My piece for this collaboration is based on Ghillie-dhu. He is a guardian spirit of the trees, coming from the Scottish mythology. Dressed in clothings of leaves and mosses, is usually attracted by birches. They say that he is very kind to children adores them, but he is very timid. Its habitat is the forests of scotland and environs of Lake Gairloch.
My piece is made of real cake, covered in plastic chocolate and fondant Satin ice. The trees are made of rkt. And the flowers with rubber paste.
And something about me, my name is pablo, I’m 16 years old and I’m from Spain. While studying high school, I practice this hobbie, the bakery. I have a blogg ( http://myfunnycookie.blogspot.com.es/?m=0) and a facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/MyFunnyCookie/ ) where you can see everything I do.
I have participated in several collaborations like sweet summer collaboration or Animal Right.
Thank you very much and I hope you like my piece.
robin conner Hunt
Tartas Steffi
Lovely x
Great piece !!!
Cake Angel by Marisa Kemp
Rosa Guerra
Designer-Cakes & Sugarart by Nathalie