Experiments in shape

Experiments in shape
Experiments in shape Experiments in shape Experiments in shape Experiments in shape

I’ve had a cake in my head for days, begging to be made! This isn’t exactly it, but it’s calmed the need to ice things for now! Playing about with dummies, trying different heights and techniques :)

Becky, Cakes by Ballderdash & Bunting, Somerset, UK www.facebook.com/ballderdashandbunting


Thank you. I get a bit bored of the same old same old!

Becky, Cakes by Ballderdash & Bunting, Somerset, UK www.facebook.com/ballderdashandbunting

Thanks :)

Becky, Cakes by Ballderdash & Bunting, Somerset, UK www.facebook.com/ballderdashandbunting