Aussie Takes The Cake - Play School

Aussie Takes The Cake - Play School
Aussie Takes The Cake - Play School Aussie Takes The Cake - Play School

This piece was made as a collaboration in celebration of Australia Day 2016. The theme this year was Australian History, and my subject was Children’s Television.
#gettingcreative #attheend #attc16 #australiaday2016 #aussie #playschool #theresabearinthere #tv #bigted #humpty #littleted #gemima #figurines #sugarart #cakedecorating #acdnmember

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So cute and representative.

Maydennison Cakes and Crafts

Brings back memories for sure Pearl, great job!

Sharron Cakers Bits and Bobs


You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits