My daughter's 16th birthday cake

My daughter's 16th birthday cake
My daughter's 16th birthday cake My daughter's 16th birthday cake My daughter's 16th birthday cake

My Girl Wonder wanted a hamburger cake as her party was at a local hamburger joint. Although not the most difficult or spectacular cake I have made it is one of my favorites as she couldn’t stop talking about it. The cake is mostly buttercream icing but all the condiments…I did not hold the lettuce, pickle…lol…are made from fondant or gum paste. As her birth, this cake was a labor of love.

The second one is also a labor of love. My boyfriend’s birthday (and yes, he is considerably older than me, HA).

The red wedding cake is just one of my favorites and the bride and groom were awesome to work with.

Priceless. The smile on his face. His cake was just to dig on in and I made another, more formal one for the rest of the family.

Leslie White, Cake Guru



Lyn (Nanna Lyn Cakes) xx

Thanks! Truly a labor of love. I had to be sneaky and do it at a friend’s home so she wouldn’t know!

Leslie White, Cake Guru