Wishin' I was Fishin'

Wishin' I was Fishin'
Wishin' I was Fishin' Wishin' I was Fishin' Wishin' I was Fishin'

This is a cake after my own heart! Being a southern girl who spent any free time fishing, I knew I had to do this cake justice:) Hidden in the reeds is the #40 for my client’s 40th birthday. Then barely seen is real fishing line threaded through the rod over into the hook in the fishes mouth. Making a hook out of gumpaste was difficult but literally hooking it through the fishes mouth proved almost impossible. But with determination I finally did it! After all fishing isn’t as fun unless you catch a fish. lol. The final challenge I had was positioning the fish’s tail end just right on the side of the cake. This one was definitely fun for me and loved working on every little detail!

Tastebuds Cakery