Happy Easter :) x

Happy Easter :) x
Happy Easter :) x Happy Easter :) x Happy Easter :) x

Here is my Easter cake with two well known characters Winnie the Pooh and Rabbit made from icing.
This is also a first for me as it is the first time I have painted fully on a cake. I so admire everyone who can paint and I have been practising and practising and this is what I managed :) hopefully I will get better and better. Happy Easter friends x

ellie's elegant cakery


So pretty <33333 love pooh <333333333333

Dubey Cakes

Lovely!!! Really cute!

Marlene - CakeHeaven

Love this Ellie – your painting is really great and I love how you’ve painted the sugar models too :-D

Love them both !!! Ellie your painting is fab … Isn’t it fun to do ?! :D x

Lou, S.Yorks UK https://www.facebook.com/SugarandSpiceGourmandise

Awww Thank you. Lou I am notconfident enough yet to say I like the painting side of things. It scares me, one wrong brush storke and it’s all ruined : / x

ellie's elegant cakery