Sweet Rock!

Sweet Rock!
Sweet Rock!

This is the title and theme of the party of Paul. A person very dear to me that in its first 50 years has seen and experienced great changes and revolutions , but that has always seen that in life there is , there must always be the " glass half full " to identify and from which you has to drive ….
Paul has always been a lover of rock , following his Sprinsting even in the rain ! And with him involving his wife, a person to whom they are tied for a lifetime and I will be for life.
This time I was not possible to prepare the cake whole, but also I wanted to leave my Paul a personal touch and so , subject to agreements with the pastry chef of the restaurant , I began to study me the difference between the different guitars and then … well . ..la finest choice has made Paul and I adhered to that .
For a guitar about 40 cm high the only alternative was to build a core of polystyrene.
The strings are made ​​of wire coated.
The colors in powder pearls discounts have given a tremendous effect on the structure of the guitar!

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