Where to start, lol! The cake is covered with mmf, and all decorations are mmf as well. The topper is rkt’s covered with mmf. All decorations were hand-made, taking quite a few hours. But I think well worth the time!! Tfl!
Hi. I am admiring your amazing work… love it <3 !!!!
Maria Cazarez https://www.facebook.com/mariacazarezcakesandsugarart/
Thank you so much!!
Fantastic cake, quite a few hours seems like an understatement it would have taken me days to make the characters and they wouldn’t hold a candle to yours!
Thank you so much, I’m flattered. I wish I had taken a little more time to work on neatness. You don’t really think about all of those little smudges, and unclean edges; until you see a zoomed in picuture. And drinking a few cups of coffee, before outlining those little eyes (not a good idea, LOL). Thanks again!!