Victorian Valentine Cake

Victorian Valentine Cake
Victorian Valentine Cake Victorian Valentine Cake Victorian Valentine Cake Victorian Valentine Cake

This cake is a sour cream almond white cake that has been filled and iced on the outside with almond butter cream, and then covered in fondant. I used a petal pan for the cake. The outside piping is done in royal icing, and the flowers are gum paste. The little Victorian valentine girl is also made from gum paste and then free hand painted using clear alcohol, food pastes, and petal dusts. I tried to give it a little depth by making the hands separate along with adding some gum paste ruffle to the heart she is holding. I also used some gum paste flowers to create depth. The hearts on the side of the cake are made from royal icing and I used gum paste as the base, cutting them with a cookie cutter, and placing them on a greased concave/convex heart pan that was covered with plastic wrap for easy removal. I then used a small round icing tip and went over the gum paste heart with several rows back and forth of string work to build up the hearts. Then I used a small star tip to edge the heart out, and used a larger round tip to border the hearts top and bottom. I used a Makins mold for the center rose and painted it with thinned petal dust using clear alcohol, and also used gold petal dust thinned with clear alcohol for the beading around each heart.


Holy cow, girl! That’s a lot of work! Good job.

Thank you both for your kind words.