Oreo Chocolate Cake with Peppa Pig on the Chocolate Puddle splash!

Oreo Chocolate Cake with Peppa Pig on the Chocolate Puddle splash!
Oreo Chocolate Cake with Peppa Pig on the Chocolate Puddle splash! Oreo Chocolate Cake with Peppa Pig on the Chocolate Puddle splash!

This one is for Abby who turned 4, because she just loves Peppa Pig jumping in muddy puddles…perfect combination of Oreo Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Butter cream and Strawberry fondant. Nothing can bring happiness than watching the kidoo jumping to see the Peppa Pig character as her birthday cake and all excited to cut it with her friends the evening!

Reference provided by Abby’s mom:-) Enjoyed working on it!

@ C’s Patisserie - Cakes from My Oven by Chandana Changappa, Bangalore India, www.facebook.com/CakesfromMyOven


Adorable and ever so cute! Well done!

Maggie Gagiano

Thanks again for your feedback…so motivating:-) will keep it going

@ C’s Patisserie - Cakes from My Oven by Chandana Changappa, Bangalore India, www.facebook.com/CakesfromMyOven