CakesDecor Awards - Beach Cakes


CakesDecor Awards - Beach Cakes #1: Announcement

Theme: Beach Cakes Water, sand, beach chairs and parasol – for beach lovers, there’s nothing better than laying down on the beach and listening the sound of sea waves. What’s the next best...

CakesDecor Awards - Beach Cakes #2: Cast Your Votes

Beach Cakes Awards entry period is over and we ended up with 144 entries. Now it’s time to pick your top 5 list and cast your votes. Voting deadline is on July 30, 2015 at 6 PM GMT. Please...

CakesDecor Awards - Beach Cakes #3: And the Winners Are ...

144 amazing entries has been submitted to our Beach Cakes Awards and I’m pleased to announce the winners. Here are the winning cakes: Winner $200 Cash Prize CakesDecor Apron ...