re: 3 tier wedding cake

I’ve been using stress free supports for over 2 years. I have bought 2 of them: the 4" and the 6" (which is all you need to stack a 3-tiered cake (and I don’t “do” 4 tiered cakes). The 4" is about $35 and the 6" is about $40. I use them and then get them back. It’s never been a big deal to get them back (but if you were nervous about it, you could charge a “rental” fee, you could even make it refundable for when you got the pieces back. I mostly do 2 tiered cakes, so I mostly use the 4" plate. That one-time investment of $35 has erased ALL stress related to stacking and moving cakes for the last 2 years. Best cake-related investment I’ve ever made. I was just telling someone else about them a few minutes ago because her cake shifted in the car and caused a bulge. That can’t happen with this stacking system. I’m not a paid endorser in any way. I’ve never had contact with the makers except to buy my own plates (out of my own pocket) and to thank them for how wonderful they are.