re: Watermarks!!!

You are so right! It really is important that you watermark! I have a step by step tutorial (very, very basic for the person who has no clue how to do this) on my FB page and my blog if anyone needs help. Just message me or email me at Also, there are lots of easy, free tutorials if you Google “how to watermark with Irfanview” (Irfanview is my photo viewing software of choice; free, easy to use, and trustworthy). But of course there are lots of free software that you can use to watermark and all of them have watermarking tutorials on the net. I hope you all invest a few minutes and make watermarking a priority. Trust me from someone who knows first hand, it’s a BAD feeling to see someone “steal” your cake photo and pretend its theirs. Watermarking prevents this. Thank you Evelyn for putting out this reminder!