re: Cake Controversy

Hi Naomi, there’s a can of worms you’ve opened right there! (Only kidding 😁) but I suppose what we would say quite innocently can take on a whole different meaning on the Internet. I am always taking photos of food and, in conversation, would use the words ‘cakeporn’ and ‘foodporn’ but I would be reticent to hashtag it on an Internet post. Google searches bring up the most disturbing images when you use innocent language never mind throwing the term ‘porn’ into the mix. For example, I typed in the word ‘Olaf’ when researching the character for a cake last year and a couple of images which popped up in the search for a children’s character were beyond X rated!!! In the context of the Internet then a less innocent word is fraught with danger. We know what we mean but unfortunately the WWW can’t make the differentiation and that’s why I’d steer clear of hashtagging it.
On the subject of scratch vs boxed, well, I’ve been baking since I was 12 years old. Decorating cakes was a complete afterthought for me which I just happen to do convincingly enough to get away with but the cake itself has always been most important to me. If you hate baking but love decorating I don’t see any problem with using a boxed mix but I would never dream of using one. I hope my cakes taste much better than they look but, truth be told, some people don’t care and would prefer a visual treat to a culinary one. Go with your own instincts. xx