re: Photo stolen! Use reverse image search to see who is using your photos!

Calli, my cake club leader has been a pro decorator for 40 yrs. Long before cake decorating took the explosion of today. She DOESNT have a FB page, Twitter account, Instagram page….just old fashioned advertising by word of mouth and client referral. Does have a web page tho. She shows her cakes the old fashioned way…..glossy’s in a book. Actually, she recently got a IPad, and shows her clients cake pics on that. She has told us time and again at our meetings, once your pics are “out there” via social media…..there open game. Pretty darn hard to stop. My bro-in-lw did a photo shoot for a firefighters calendar in the 90’s. His face is still everywhere ….worldwide….after all these years. We even found firefighter figures in the Dollar store with his face on it. He and his other firefighters never signed a release clause. It was a local photographer and supposed to be a local fund raiser. Obviously he took the pics, sold them to someone.

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎