re: Creative Decorating Competition...

Sharon….I fully understand where you are coming from… I have now entered in four cake competitions… and yes, I found it dead scary my first time… but you know what… that fantastic feeling of overcoming that fear and doing it anyway, left me with a great sense of achievement. I am still very nervous but never as bad as my first time. but what you will find, is everyone else is nervous too, so you are not alone… just do it… please do it and do not forget to let us know how it goes… its going to be an amazing experience for you and not only that, you will get to meet so many fabulous cake people too and be so inspired with all the exhibits too… I took a look, wow, it looks so exciting… please do it!!! you will not regret it and you will be left with a sense of achievement as you would have conquered and overcome a barrier. I am a firm believer of challenging oneself. Good luck!!! cant wait to see :) take that leap of faith!!!!

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits