re: How to deal with Unhappy customers...

This is such a tricky and sensitive one and so far, I’ve been lucky with happy clients. From what I can see and have read, you have done exactly what she wanted… She provided you with roses larger than she should have for a small cake, but it looks fine to me.
I agree with what suggestions have been stated already …if the client didn’t like it, I would want to know what the specific reasons were for her discontent.. if there is no foundation to her complaint, I’d ask her if she’d like me to take the cake away (which means she does not have to pay – except the non refundable deposit) but if she keeps it, then she would still have to pay full whack…. After all your time, energy and costs towards baking, ingredients etc need to be covered.
I also feel if you let her have it for free, it’s condoning what she says and making her right, when in fact she’s not.
Some people just can’t be pleased and in this case, she doesn’t have a leg to stand on and feel she has been unkind and unfair

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