Free On-Line course - Realistic gumpaste Magnolia, flower and leaves

Hola a todos¡¡ Debido al confinamiento que estamos sufriendo todos y será para largo, y para aportar un granito de arena en los duros tiempos que vienen, es que acabo de poner PÚBLICO y GRATIS mi CURSO DE MAGNOLIAS ON LINE.

Hello everyone! Due to the confinement that we are all suffering and it will be for a long time, and to contribute a grain of sand in the hard times that come, it is that I have just made PUBLIC and FREE MY COURSE OF MAGNOLIAS ON LINE.

Aquí os dejo el enlace. Here is the link


Espero os sea de utilidad y lo disfrutéis. Y cuidaros en cualquier parte del mundo que estéis, que ésto va para largo.

Sugar Art by Sonia de la Cuadra


Very very beautiful!!!

Raquel García Martínez

This is so beautiful, Sonia! Thank you so much for sharing!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley


Sugar Art by Sonia de la Cuadra

Beautiful !!!

Monika- MOLI Cakes

Beautiful flower!!!
Thank you so much for sharing, Sonia 🥰


Very beautiful! Thank you.
