How to make an icing sugar/cornstarch spreader

Hi all, lovelies!
While I was YouTubing, I found a How to tutorial to preserve pasta.
I thought to apply the same method to get a handmade spreader for icing sugar or cornstarch.
Hope this can help someone who hasn’t any, yet.

You’ll need:
1 "foot"of pantyhose stockings (not an old one. Lol 😂)
plastic bottle
strong scissors.

It’s really simple to make.
Just follow the pics below 😉😉😉

Thank you for watching ❤️😘

Cut off the top of the bottle.

Fill your bag.



Clara genia!! Super práctico!! 👏👏👏


We already use it for cornstarch :D
It’s awesome ;)
Hugs my dear :*
Thanks for sharing :)


Great idea Clara. I’ve been doing this for years. One of the 1st tricks I learned. Except my icing sugar is in either a mesh bag or jcloth with an elastic band to secure. I also use a shaker made for parmesan cheese, put my cornstarch in that. Has tiny holes so only a small amount comes out when you shake.

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Thank you, Clara! This is an awesome trick and it works wonderfully! I have been using the stocking method for years, but I never thought of using a plastic bottle to fill the stocking. 👏

Bobbie Bakes

So my lovely friends… I reinvented the wheel 🤦🤦🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


June, thank you for your tip! I’ll give it a try, for sure 😍❤️😘


Perfect idea, thank you so much dear Klara!!!


Great idea Clara, thanks for sharing 😘

That is brilliant! It beats the heck out of the knot I have tied in the top of my stocking! Thanks for sharing, my friend!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley