My Cake Studio (again!)

I couldn’t turn down the chance to be part of Michal’s draw so here’s my studio again!

Welcome to my humble abode…hope you like what I’ve done with the place… ;)

My hubby converted this from our double garages, just reserving a little at the front for storage so it still looks like a garage from the outside but at the rear is my ‘girl cave’! I spend every minute I can in here…hehe…and my biggest buzz so far was seeing it full of lovely students when Liz (time for tiffin) came to teach.

Had I not wanted a classroom space for students I would have done it quite differently, perhaps a little showroom end with comfy chairs etc but Liz coming to teach is hopefully the first of many (watch this space!) and I’m hoping to teach myself too. The big worktop doubles as a great space for students but also my main work area.

Give me a pull down bed and I could move in! ;)

Thanks for looking!

Mellie xx

Mel, Yorkshire,