Being Maltese (Malta is a European country in the middle of the mediterranean sea)I do not know this show but the cake is lovely!!!!

Marlene - CakeHeaven

so cute

Wonderful Sharon! I hope that you are on the mend!! It is so difficult when you are ill and we cannot call in sick!xx

Lori-Ann,The Cake Studio Cayman,http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Cake-Studio-Cayman/136313133106508?ref=tn_tnmn

Oh Lori-ann how true that statement is. A lot of us on here fly solo and when things happen like getting sick and having no other option to work thru it cause you don’t want to let anyone down is hard. I was just grateful it was a small birthday cake and not a 5 tier wedding cake,lol.

Tampa, Florida facebook.com/pages/curiaussiety-custom-cakes

Love it! Well done hope you are feeling better! :-)

Kath's Cakes https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kaths-Cakes/369485736483786

Such a brilliant cake! Love your design!xoxo

Gulnaz Mitchell, New Zealand, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Heavenlycakes4you-by-Gulnaz-Mitchell/113619242162187

Sharon, what an amazing cake… Love everything about it, the ship, the curtain on the cake, the board…

Dina @ miettes, http://www.facebook.com/pages/miettes/257790597632317

I think it’s great and TOTALLY original! Great job Sharon =D

Violet - The Violet Cake Shop™ - http://www.facebook.com/TheVioletCakeShop

Oh that is wonderful Sharon !!!! Love it!!

Melanie :) New Zealand, http://www.facebook.com/TakeZCake?ref=hl

Sharon love this so much! My oldest used to love Little Einsteins! And sorry to hear you’re sick – it totally sux being a sole trader when you’re sick!!

Kerry, www.facebook.com/KiwiEat.Cake

It looks awesome, love all the little details and the board also looks awesome, my liittle ones still watches Little Einstein ( I am actually sick of listening to it everyday hee..hee).

Hope you are feeling better now Sharon, our house also has been a sick bay for the past two weeks now and still going (one of the reasons I postponed the party for my daughter)

Sasi, Sydney Australia, http://cakesbyssn.blogspot.com.au/, https://www.facebook.com/CakesbySasi

What a great design! Perfect, right down to the cake board!

Toni, Pennsylvania, https://www.facebook.com/WhiteCraftyCakes

Aaaaw thank you guys so much for all your well wishes and lovely comments , I love you all.

Tampa, Florida facebook.com/pages/curiaussiety-custom-cakes

Very cute…i love it <3


you always pull it out the bag Sharon! Amazing cake and lovely colours!! Hope you’re feeling better xx

'It Always Seems Impossible Until It is Done' Nelson Mandela http://www.facebook.com/CakesByFifi

Beautifully done Sharon!!!! Hope you feeling better!!!! xxx

CUPCAKES & DREAMS My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CUPCAKES-DREAMS/115882865103239?ref=hl

Thank you Lin, Fiona and Ana for your well wishes and continued support of my work . Big hugs coming your way.

Tampa, Florida facebook.com/pages/curiaussiety-custom-cakes

So sorry you were feeling bad, but it certainly doesn’t show in the brilliance of your work! wonderful as always! LOVE the spaceship! Hope you’re feeling all better now!

Cakes ROCK!!! Christy Seguin, Austin, TX

Thank you Elli and Christy you two have been so wonderful and kind to me I just simply adore you both.

Tampa, Florida facebook.com/pages/curiaussiety-custom-cakes

I love it!

Fabulous! Love it! Hope you get better soon! :) xxx

Pauline Bakes The Cake! http://www.facebook.com/paulinescakes

so cute and adorable! congrats!

Yeyet Bakes

very cute…..my daughter loves watching little Einstein…for sure she will love this cake too! :)

Just a Simple Cake by Mommy Sue, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Just-a-simple-Cake-by-Mommy-Sue/212246982235648

You are all too very lovely to me , thank you so much!

Tampa, Florida facebook.com/pages/curiaussiety-custom-cakes

