Lagoona Blue - Monster High

Lagoona Blue - Monster High
Lagoona Blue - Monster High

For a 7th birthday party – apparently Monster High is all the rage with this age group at the moment. I had to do a bit of research to catch up with the trend!

The cake is based on the character Lagoona Blue and the fish is her pet, Neptuna.


Thanks Michal & CakeryCreation. I hand painted the pattern with food colouring mixed with a bit of alchohol. I measured the circumference and worked out the width of each wave, then marked the points on the cake with little dots as guides (they certainly didn’t all come out perfectly despite my best efforts). Took a couple of hours but was somewhat relaxing.

Thank you so much for your lovely comments. I am so curious to know – I haven’t posted any cakes or had any comments for months and months. Suddenly today I’ve had about 8 or 9 comments on different cakes. Can anyone shed some light on what has prompted this!?