AHS Hotel Liz Taylor

AHS Hotel Liz Taylor
AHS Hotel Liz Taylor AHS Hotel Liz Taylor AHS Hotel Liz Taylor AHS Hotel Liz Taylor

Meet Liz Taylor— unhappy salesman turned goddess from the show American Horror Story Hotel. This was created for the American Horror Story Collaboration. My piece is inspired by the art-Deco style Hotel Cortez where the show is set. The board was painstakingly hand cut to recreate the pattern of the carpet in the hotel lobby. The bottom tier is created with fondant and the new “Cakey Cutouts” (kind of like cake lace) from Evil Cake Genius. It is meant to mimic the designs of the gorgeous chandeliers in the lobby. Liz is hand-painted with cocoa butter and powdered food color. The “Hotel Cortez” sign is hand painted. Finally, the quote on top is the famous line said by Lady Gaga (as the “Countess”) on the show to Liz when she helps her transform into Liz Taylor.

Jenny, Castle Rock, CO www.facebook.com/JennysHauteCakes