Pan pipe - Music around the world

Pan pipe - Music around the world
Pan pipe - Music around the world Pan pipe - Music around the world Pan pipe - Music around the world

I know it’s been a while… but still here it comes!
Made for the awesome collaboration: Music round the world, and featured in the February/March issue of Cakes & Sugarcraft magazine

About my piece: A pan Flute for the Pan god This particular piece was inspired by the mythological figure of the greek Pan god, often associated with nature, fertility and improvisation. He has been a symbol of the force of nature in its various forms. One of the instruments that Pan used to fill up the quiet times of day was his syrinx, or pan flute. The flute was named after the nymph Syrinx, who changed herself into a cluster of reeds to escape from Pan’s lustful longings. Pan then cut down the reeds and fashioned a flute out of them. The syrinx was a popular instrument in ancient Greece because anyone could make one and learn to play it. It wasn’t cost prohibitive like a lyre; it was an instrument of the common people. The music of the syrinx was known to make people dance and lower their inhibitions, it was the perfect instrument for the life loving, erection-toting Pan. It was said that when Pan played his syrinx he could drive people mad with its music. The sound of the syrinx filled people with the lustful nature of Pan, and as a result, they often lost control. (Read more at I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed making it!