Winter/ Christmas Buttercream wedding cake

Winter/ Christmas Buttercream wedding cake

This was a tough one trying to get the brides vision of a textured rustic, Christmas wintery wedding cake… using buttercream. I must have litterally paced for hours before I figured on how I was going to attempt this. It is meant to look etched and was based off of wrapping paper. Its a bit different :). I think its an either you love it or hate it kind of thing.

Since I posted this I had quite a few … what? how? questions. So the basis of how it went was base black buttercream, a layer of maroon over, lines and swirls etched with a tool ( flat toothpick) piped and dragged flowers and touches of gold. (Lots of chilling stages in between this process)

You remember how you would take Colored crayons and make a camoflague picture then cover that with black and etch a design… that is where my head went after a few hours of banging it against a wall and decided to try it in cake 😂😂😂

Lori's Custom Cakes