Coffee in the kitchen

Coffee in the kitchen
Coffee in the kitchen Coffee in the kitchen Coffee in the kitchen

This was for a friend of mine who plays in a trio. The trio spend more time drinking coffee, however, than playing their instruments, so the cake is a replica her kitchen island, with the trio enjoying a cup of coffee and the family dog asleep at their feet. I decided to make a sort of drawer for the cake, so that she could eat the cake without having to cut through the work surface, so the end panel of the island pulls out to reveal the cake underneath.

Rachel, Pompom Cakes,


Wow! How fantastic! The level and quality of detail is fabulous! I love it! :)

Teri, Ontario, Canada

Love it! Looks a bit like my kitchen too, haha!

You did an amazing job on this cake!

Superb modelling, wow!!!

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