>The girl who required this cake is madly in love of her dog, a little French Bulldog . The dog is entirely in fondent while the cake is the box
Silvia Mancini CakeArt
Too cute!
Marlene - CakeHeaven
Awww he’s so sweet ! Really well done :D x
Lou, S.Yorks UK https://www.facebook.com/SugarandSpiceGourmandise
So gorgeous!!! The dog is adorable!!! :-) x
https://www.facebook.com/elliwarrencakedesign https://www.facebook.com/elliricci elliricci@hotmail.com https://www.instagram.com/elliwarrencakedesign/
A gorgeous cake, and the dog is just too adorable! x
Thank you ! <3
Silvia Mancini CakeArt
My goodness, that is INCREDIBLE!! Xx
Laura Loukaides - Instagram.com/LauraLoukaides
Now, this is just the most cute adorable thing ive seen in ages! Love love love it! Faved ♥♥♥
Im a sucker for the little flopped over paws xx Truly fantastic work!
sugar and art - perfect combination! sugarmagic22@gmail.com
Super cute, excellent work!
https://www.facebook.com/ZoricasCakeArt/ http://www.zoricascakeart.com/