Holy Communion Book

Holy Communion Book
Holy Communion Book

I made this cake a while ago for a lovely little boy called Josh, for his first holy communion :)

sugar and art - perfect combination! sugarmagic22@gmail.com


very cute :)

Selma S. ~ Little Apple Cakes

This looks great. I’ve never done a book Christine. Did you carve or use a tin? Not sure I’d know where to start!

Mel, Yorkshire, http://www.facebook.com/doncastercustomcakery

I carved it out of a rectangle sheet cake, dont have many tins, im still collecting them!
Just carve a dip in the very centre and one going down at each edge xx

sugar and art - perfect combination! sugarmagic22@gmail.com

So sweet Christine! Great cake =D And sorry for the late comment…still getting used to the new look on CD =(

Violet - The Violet Cake Shop™ - http://www.facebook.com/TheVioletCakeShop