It is well known that the quietest of people have the busiest of minds. It is also said that those are the types you need to "watch out for". I am not that person. I am not quiet but I do have a busy mind and the Devil does make work for idle thumbs. Being creative by nature, I have always had an eye for details one that has seen through a succesful number of years as a wedding photographer. However, in my quiter moments of looking for further creative outlets, I came to realise I had a love for baking..... In this case, it was cupcakes. And rather than allow my industrious little head to implode with the bazillion little creative fireworks that were cracking away in there, cupcakes became my outlet and apparently my waistline.

Just like my waistline The Smug Little Cupcake Factory was small… made only for family and friends that were brave or stupid enough to go through the "testing phase". But soon it grew and expanded into something more and now we sell cupcakes everyday through our parent shop Foodcraft or via orders from this website. The Smug Little Cupcake is fast becoming a well known respected "cupcakery" and has now taken over much of my working (and sometimes private!) time. So much so, that wedding photography, has for now taken back seat to what I consider to be my true passion!

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Hi! Im new to Cakes Decor! Im looking forward to being a member of the boards! x