re: Late notification from the person that i'm following

Just to clarify.. Notifications about new comments (on the discussions you’re following) and new posts (from members you’re following) now appear instantly on the website – you can see the bell icon with he number in the header if you have any.

To prevent spamming your mailboxes we decided to not send email with each and every notification. Instead, we’re sending email Digests four times per day where you get the latest 10 notifications since your last Digest.

So to keep in touch with everything if you’re following lots of members and posts, it’s ideal to visit the website frequently. And if you forget or don’t have time, your personalised Digest will gently remind you.

Another – separate – issue is the deliverability of emails. We’re constantly working on improving our deliver rates but some email providers like Hotmail can be really tricky to work with :)

One thing you can do on your side is to add our notifier email address (notifier at to your email program/application contact list. Then the emails should have preferential treatment and should be always delivered.

Hope this helps ;)

Martin, Maker of CakesDecor