re: Ideas

Monnie brings up a good point (lol and maybe more work and headache for Michal) there are many newbies and amatuers who work super hard on their projects and it’s not fair for them to compete against decorators who do this for a living or having been decorating for 20 + years. Maybe, there should be different catagories for contests- one for amatuers and one for professionals (maybe one for kids, seniors etc…but this can be worried about when there are 100,000 members,lol) This is how many competitions are run all over the place with the different catagories (ie: state fairs)- something to think about. I like the badge idea a lot…Peggy is right- we annoy our husbands and loved ones with our obsessive ways and really need the strokes of the internet and approval of our peers to keep us going-and badges will keep us all coming back for more,lol.

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