re: My 3" Deep Cakes Never Turn Out Right (argh)! Please help!

For a 3” deep cakes either wedding cakes, celebration cakes, I always make a Madeira mix, can be any flavour, I usually bake it for quite a long time, for a 10” mix with a baking nail, base and sides lined with parchment, the bake time is 1 hour 20mins at 160 c. It never fails, then when cool I slice the top dome off, leave till really cool then turn out on a wire cooling rack. When completely cold, I then slice with a lever into three, then use a ganache plate to slice the outer edge of the cake, drench in sugar syrup, and wrap overnight in cling film, next day its firmer, and easy to handle, by the time you have fillled and ganache your cake and covered it in fondant, it will be over 3”tall, most important thing, a spirit level! Hope this is helpful?