re: shortening

Reply to goreti;
Amanda said she’s new to this baking thing. Methinks it’s not really fair to suggest SMBC on a fresher..??? It takes a bit of skill to master it judging by the remarks I read on other forums (tho I can’t say I had any issues but then I’m a qualified chef) so maybe if Amanda is in a fix at this moment it’s maybe not the time to start messing with SMBC..? I wholeheartedly agree that it is the buttercream of buttercreams and totally recommend it for future reference but for an urgent cake- think twice.
Possibly a little rash taking on a 3 tier wedding cake before you really know what you’re doing…but wow! You sure will learn some stuff. I wish you my most sincere best luck.
And by the way- leave it the Trex and replace it with butter. It tastes SOOoooo much better!!!

Incidentally glutenfree cakage...