re: Cakesdecor Gazette 5.06 June 2016

Cake designing/decorating, modeling and all forms of sugar art is my retirement hobby. Can I bake cakes? Absolutely! I am baking two apple pound cakes and one Hummingbird cake today, none of them pretty, all of them delicious. Do I ever use cake dummies? Absolutely! If I didn’t, my husband and I would have to eat entirely too much cake! I do a few cakes for friends and family and the occasional customer, but not nearly enough to satisfy my desire to practice the art. My favorite things are making gum paste flowers and modeling figures with chocolate and sometimes rice cereal treats. Do I consider myself a cake designer/decorator? Not really. I do have unlimited time to devote to each project and I do have complete freedom to do whatever I choose, but I cannot pipe and I cannot get a perfect finish with either buttercream or fondant on a cake or a dummy! No, I am not a cake artist, but I do consider myself a SUGAR artist and I so love being a part of the cake community. I think the medium is diverse enough to encompass all of us.

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley